Markup editor-in-chief, art director and designer, president of
Dear the world and someone your lover.
“Andre Maurois” wrote that it is important for people to ‘think with their hands’. Thinking with words can convey more than what is written between the lines and in the margins of the text, it can convey emotions, feelings and atmosphere. It is the real words and voices that remind us that true intelligence and trust are important, not exaggerated culture, pleasure and self-affirmation.
ケンブリッジ・アセンション教区墓地にあるウィトゲンシュタインの墓標に訪れた人々が小物を置いていくそうですが、なかでもミニチュアの「梯子」はなかなか気が利いています。これは、” He must so to speak throw away the ladder, after he has climbed up on it. “(論理哲学論考 命題6.54)「読者は謂わば梯子を登りきったあとでその梯子を取り払ってしまわなければならない」(意訳・ここに書かれているようなことを乗り越えてもらわなければならない)という記述にちなんでいると思われます。